Functions and Benefits of IQAC in NAAC
The primary intention of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council is to enhance the quality of education. The NAAC committee has proposed the idea of forming an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
The primary intention of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council is to enhance the quality of education. The NAAC committee has proposed the idea of forming an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).
HEI’s know how important it is to achieve a NAAC score of 3.26 and above. No HEI wants to settle for less.
NAAC conducts assessment and accreditation of HEI such as colleges, universities or other recognized institutions to derive an understanding of the ‘Quality Status’ of the institution.
Education Management System, also known as “EMS”, is a data management system that allows Institutions to function smoothly with Student Data. It is an important source for all types of student data.
“Bloom’s Taxonomy” is a famous academic model. However, before we talk about the reason for Bloom’s Taxonomy to be introduced, allow us to speak about the traditional academic system.