Is your Institute preparing to go for NAAC or NBA Accreditations ?

Strategic Planning
Automated Reports
Real-Time Dashboard
Integrated Solution
CleverGround - NBA Automation

Institute & Department Mission-Vision

The Vision of the institute and department should be futuristic and the Mission helps to achieve.


Objectives - PEO, PO, PSO Management

Seamlessly develop the PEOs, POs & PSOs of the Program & integrate the Objectives with the Department Missions. 

CleverGround - NBA Automation
CleverGround - NBA Automation

CO - PO, PSO Mapping

Manage Course Outcomes and AutoMap them with POs & PSOs. Set up complete Automation Structure.


Automated Program Attainments

Set up Competence, Threshold & Weightages for Automated Attainment.  

CleverGround - NBA Automation
CleverGround - NBA Automation

Bloom's Taxonomy

Manage and Identify the growth in understanding as per the standards of Bloom’s Taxonomy 

Automated Teaching Learning Reports

Segregate Indirect Assessment and Direct Assessment based on weightages. Automated SAR Report is generated and can be downloaded in a few clicks.

CleverGround - NBA Automation

How It Works

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Frequently Asked Questions

Higher Ed Institutions (HEIs) are required to submit detailed & accurate institutional information & data of the last several years for various statutory accreditations such as NAAC/NBA & other agencies.

CleverGround provides a cloud-based Accreditation Data Management System for assembling, managing & compiling entire institutional data & generating reports in desired formats for NAAC / NBA & other agencies. CleverGround’s team provides necessary training & multiple logins to the faculty & staff so that they can promptly upload & update error-free data in-house along with crucial documentary evidence & proofs. Useful for Universities, Autonomous & Affiliated colleges, the system is integrated with graphical tools by which the coordinators can efficiently monitor the data entries. Date-stamped data maintenance on the highly secured server with multiple backups ensure data security & accuracy & thus, help stakeholders to get ready for various accreditations.

The Washington Accord, originally signed among six countries in 1989, is an International Agreement among bodies responsible for accrediting undergraduate engineering degree programs. It recognizes the substantial equivalency of programs accredited by those bodies and recommends that graduates of programs accredited by any of the signatory bodies be recognized by the other bodies as having met the academic requirements for entry to the practice of engineering in the area of their jurisdiction. For more details please refer to the Manual for Accreditation of Undergraduate Engineering Programs (Tier I Institutions).

Your Institution can:

  • If your Institution and the programs run by it are approved by the AICTE; and
  • If at least two batches of students have passed out of the programme proposed for accreditation except for the management programmes. In the case of a Management programme, at least three batches should have graduated.